Can I book Casa Elana on AirBnB?
You can get to our Airbnb listing using this link:
There are a few important things to note, though.
While the price we charge here and on Airbnb is almost the same (it'll be slightly higher there), Airbnb will put their own service charge on, which will add 15-20%, depending on the time of the year. Plus, you can't use any discount codes offered exclusively to our direct-booking guests. They can only be used here.
Some people do prefer to book via a third-party site like AirBnB as they feel it's more secure, but you pay Casa Elana with a credit/debit card via one of the world's biggest online payment processors (Stripe), so you've got all the protection you need right there.
But, we do get that some prefer to use Airbnb, and we welcome our guests no matter how they book with us!